5 Awesome Benefits Of Being A Freelancer
If I was to ask anyone what they would value the most from their work, I’m sure similar answers such as freedom of creativity, great pay, insurance and pension benefits, location and ability to spend time with family would be top on the list of must-haves. In actuality, the freedom of enjoying your life while doing meaningful work is important for most people because it assists the finding of a longing which we all have to exhibit purpose.
What if I told you that you can have all that from being a freelancer? The joys of a fantastic life of creative freedom and independence is what pulls many to self-employment. However, switching your thoughts to being a leader and business owner will allow you to really tune into the benefits.
Here are five (5) fantastic benefits of freelancing….
1. Flexible Schedule
So your alarm goes off. You jump up out of bed, rush to bathe and exit your house. Next you travel in hours of traffic to arrive at work. Then work 9 am – 5 pm. You return home, try to catch whatever of your life is left for family and friends, then drown your loneliness or boredom in hours of TV or Netflix. Somewhere along the line you fall asleep. Only to wake up to the beep of your alarm again and a repeated cycle of boring activity. Sounds like you? You pull along the work week, craving for Friday and the weekend where you can hope for some fun – finally. This just can’t be a good way to live!
Well, one thing that being a freelancer affords you, is the ability to have a flexible schedule. You can set your days up to accommodate for adequate rest, relaxation, time with children and family and to get exercise and eat better. With your work hours set by yourself, you can sustain a better level of focus on the things that matter and attain a smoother work-life balance.
2. Save Time
Time is a terrible commodity to waste. We all get the same 86,400 seconds of life each day but it’s those who manage themselves better as time passes who end up with more success.
Working from home, reduces the hassle of commuting which takes up a huge chunk of time from daily movements.While being a freelancer you also save time on tasks because your productivity can be enhanced by working at times when you know you’d be sharper.
3. Save Money
Starting to work as a freelancer, reduces the overall overhead of things you pay for daily. The daily commute as previously mentioned is one such money saver. However, have you considered how much you spend on other items such as food and clothing. If you’re a freelancer you won’t have to worry about five (5) changes of suits and work clothes.
If you’re a work-from-home professional you also won’t be spending too much on daily fast food meals. Or at least, ensure you don’t! Why? Buying your own food to prepare, costs less and also provides a huge health boost from fried, salty, and greasy fast food choices. In fact, that sort of diet predisposes towards lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, stroke, heart attack and cancer. Simply changing your diet can help you to reduce more money that may have been spent treating such illnesses.
4. Become A Business Owner
Strive not just to be doing a “side hustle” or a “hobby” but to be an actual business owner. Seeing your tasks as part of a larger business enhances the seriousness of what you’re doing and allows your mind to own the things done daily.
You are in charge of your life and the commander of your destiny. You can take your career moving forward as much as you put in work, attain more clients and sell more products or services. Independence is not far away when you’re the CEO and not just an employee.
Additionally, you can plan your projects so that you earn more. Entrepreneurs who eventually succeed, earn way more than they would have as an employee or in a corporate job. Entrepreneurship is also a vehicle that drives the economy and impacts others with employment.
5. Creative Freedom
Freelancers have a great ability to be able to choose how heavy a workload they possess. They can also choose clients and projects depending on suitability, their current schedule, the value of the payment, and how much it relates to their areas of expertise. Additionally, a freelancer can experiment with their craft, and get to grow creatively, expand their skill sets and improve as an overall human being.
To get started as a freelancer, make sure to check out the variety of courses offered on our website. http://www.internetincomejamaica.com