5 Ways To Stay Productive Even If You Don’t Feel Motivated

Scheduling And Batch Working
Many times people who get busy or lose energy end up that way because they haven’t added systems or structures to their life. Nothing wrong with winging it for a few tasks but if your day is unscheduled, haphazard, and messy, know that you will fail at a few tasks, get uninspired and feel drained.
Get back some focus with a calendar and a scheduler. Plan your months in advance. Then each day focus on specific tasks to complete each day that MUST be done and others that can be done because they are important.
Run the day or it will run you!!
Now, as you schedule, select time slots for every day when you must complete certain tasks in a certain time slot. Never start a day not knowing what you should be doing, who you should be meeting or what task has a deadline for that day.
Work From The End To The Beginning
If you are not clear about who you wish to be, your main values, and what goals you are pursuing each year, then you will end up not completing things you envision.
Be clear about it. Then write it down. People are more likely to succeed at tasks that they write down.
A goal without some written plan is just a dream. Plans without timelines and deadlines attached are just wishful wants. People are even more likely to succeed at goals that are written down and given timelines.
Think up a useful and workable strategy. Make the objectives for your goals, SMART tasks. They must be completed in a specific, measurable, achievable, reasonable/relevant, and timely manner.
Lastly, people are triply more likely to succeed when their goals are written down with timelines and remain specifically achievable.

Make It A Community Effort
In addition, it’s found that people who work in teams that are socially inclusive tend to achieve more. The team spirit can radiate to each individual. And if you feel deflated one day, you can always turn to someone and get some motivation or assistance with a task that requires adjusting or handling.
If it is an organization or company, there is usually a vision or mission statement that everyone is working towards. This gives a common goal that everyone can place in their mind, and get excited about daily.
Similarly, as a small business owner, you should get a supporting cast who understands and wishes to apply work to specific tasks in different roles and functions. Ensure that your vision is clear and workable and get everyone moving with energy.
Keep going at your tasks! You may find out later that you were inspiring others with your effort at success and achievement.
Comment and tell us what goals you’re looking to get productive with in the last half of the year.