Why use Stock Photos?

If you are a graphic designer, a creative, or just simply need some photos for your project, stock images are a great resource to get high-quality, free photos that you can use in your designs for various purposes with out any copyright issues. They are perfect for marketing and advertising, for promotional work, for personal or commercial creative projects, for publishing, for websites and blogs, and more.
Below is a list of the top, free stock photo sites that you can use. Enjoy!
Unsplash 5.0 | Unsplash 5.0 is a massive online catalog of the best online wallpapers from top photographers and editors around the world, free for you to use for anything. | https://unsplash.com/images |
Pexels 2.0 | Pexels is a search engine for free stock photos you can use today. This should be your go-to destination when searching for a photo for your next project, or anything. | https://www.pexels.com |
Mixkit | Mixkit is a curated gallery of high-quality videos and animation, made by some of the world’s most talented creators, with all content licensed for free. | https://mixkit.co/ |
StockSnap | Beautiful, free stock photos | https://stocksnap.io/ |
Burst | Burst is a free stock photo site powered by Shopify. We have 1000’s of high quality and royalty-free images available and free to download. Burst was built to empower designers, developers, marketers, and entrepreneurs to create stunning websites and marketing campaigns. Images can be downloaded and used for anything! | https://burst.shopify.com/ |
Pexels Videos 3.0 | Millions of users already love Pexels’ free photos, starting today you can also find free high-quality videos! | https://www.pexels.com/videos |
Reshot | Reshot is a massive library of handpicked free stock photos you won’t find elsewhere. Built for startups, freelancers & makers who are sick of tacky stock photos. Free to use commercially and editorially–no attribution required. | https://www.reshot.com/ |
Stock Up 2.0 | The best free stock photos in one place | https://www.sitebuilderreport.com |
Stockio | Choose from thousands of photos licensed in multiple categories such as nature, abstract, models and many more. All photos are free for personal and commercial use. No attribution required | https://www.stockio.com/ |
Image Finder 2.0 | Image Finder is a 4-year old website that collects free stock photos from various free stock photo sites that have Public Domain, CC Zero or other Creative Commons licenses. | https://imagefinder.co |
DreamyPixel | DreamyPixel is a collection of over 200 free landscape images. Free to use for personal and commercial use. | https://dreamypixel.com/ |
Pixel Mob | Royalty-free images from numerous sources for you to use. | https://pixelmob.co/ |
OneClickClip | Free animated GIFs crafted for commercial use | https://cliply.co/ |
FreePhotos.cc | FreePhotos.cc is a free resource where you can find creative commons photos for your website or print projects. | https://freephotos.cc/ |