Jamaican Gleaner Article Sheds Light on Alicia Lyttle’s Involvement in Online Employment Among Jamaicans

Kingston, Jamaica – The article is titled “Making Internet Income in Jamaica” and appears on the front of the Career section in the Gleaner edition of Sunday, January 31st. Written by columnist, Glenford Smith, the article examines the operations of Internet Income Jamaica and how the company is changing the way how people make money.
The points that were highlighted by the article included the range of opportunities currently available to Jamaicans who may be seeking employment and the endorsement of the training classes put on by Internet Income Jamaica, which have become regular events on the Jamaican calendar. The article also informed readers of the possibility of earning a stable income from the comfort of their homes, with minimum requirements, as explained by Alicia Lyttle, CEO of the company.
“Just by having an Internet connection and a little bit of knowledge, knowing what sites to go on, you can really make money on the internet from the global economy,” the article quotes Lyttle as saying.
The article also outlined Glenford Smith’s experience at a recent training class put on by the company and which was hosted by Lyttle and an American publishing expert. Smith admitted to being impressed by the training that was on offered at the boot camp and the realization that there were many Jamaicans earning suitable incomes from what they had learnt at past training classes.
“What you will find interesting and valuable, right now, is a surprise discovery that I made at the workshop: There are many Jamaicans quietly making a decent living, working on the Internet,” the article quoted Smith as saying.
In addition to his surprise, the writer made note of his initial skepticism, which is also a fear for many Jamaicans who may be thinking about working online. The article notes Lyttle’s response to those fears as “Today, people are so afraid to learn how to make money online because they are afraid it’s too good to be true or that the opportunity is a scam, or that it could happen for other people but not for them.”
Alicia Lyttle has been featured in many articles since she started Internet Income Jamaica approximately five years ago, along with her sister, Lorette, and launched a series of training classes that started with learning about freelancing online and has since expanded to classes on publishing, blogging, website development, voice over acting and more. The effort has resulted in hundreds of Jamaicans earning full and part time incomes from working online.